The Halfway Point Daily Cap(s) (183)

Today’s post marks the halfway point of the 365 “The Daily Cap(s)” effort for 2012. And I need to give a h-u-g-e thank you to all the old friends, new friends, and visitors that have been a part of the first 182 posts. There are several followers that are family, and then there are several more that I consider family (and you know who you are…:) ) I may be trying some “daily” themes – don’t know yet – but my hope is I don’t bore you to tears with the next 183 posts….

Cloud watching can take up entirely too much of my day sometimes….
A humble abode. There’s just too much..ahhhh…well…”cool-ness” going on with this building to list….
And have a look at the neighbor’s place….
Caught the Queen (Mackie) looking at me (with her nose out of focus). “Mac” will be 12 this October. She’s had a rough week – not herself, not eating, kind of spacey and out of it. I had to drop to the floor a few times to give her some lovin’ – she always perks up a bit when that happens. Today was the first day in a week she’s felt OK. Poor lady – “don’t be doing anything radical or rash on me now Your Highness”.
The Princess (Zoey) always strikes a pose for me (with her nose in focus)….
Still cloud watching, this time from the backside of a Denton (Texas) landmark….

6 thoughts on “The Halfway Point Daily Cap(s) (183)

    1. Aren’t they though! And better yet…did you notice the proximity of the light rail station in the background? Frugal living and transporation convenience, all from one place.


    1. Doris my pal…you are so kind. The easy part is taking and posting pictures; the hardest part is deciding which ones to post and how to caption. Glad you’re not bored!


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