The Work Oddities Daily Cap(s) (354)

The day started out with a tree silhouette that I have passed countless much for priding myself in being observant, huh?
Before work, the day started out finding a tree silhouette that I have passed countless times…so much for priding myself in being observant, huh?
At a project site, a monument pier shaft has been drilled - do you realize how difficult it is to set a camera exposure for a hole 12 feet deep?
Then at a project site, a monument pier shaft has been drilled – do you realize how difficult it is to set a proper camera exposure for a hole 12 feet deep?
...believe me, it's difficult even with a trial and error method of skill-less exercise.
…believe me, it’s difficult even with a trial and error method of an obviously skill-less exercise.
Since I couldn't get the right picture exposure, these guys decided to fill in the hole with concrete....
Since I couldn’t get the right picture exposure, these guys decided to fill in the hole with concrete….
And that - a concrete filled hole - I can take a halfway decent picture of....
And that – a concrete-filled hole – I can take a halfway decent picture of…it just has very little personality to speak of. But in a couple weeks…well, I will share that picture of what they put on top of this submerged clump of concrete.

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